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In the archive there are 28 news published in the year 2002.

12 Mag2002

Recording completed

Last recordings for the upcoming "Endternity" demo CD have been completed. Just some Synth and Special FX were missing; the versatile Korg Z1 EVL synth helped so much to reach the end of this phase. Search here for some news in the near future!

17 Mag2002

Mixing and editing sessions completed

In the late afternoon, the mixing and editing sessions of the new demo CD called "Endternity" have been completed at Massive Arts Studio by Fabrizio Grenghi (mixing) and Alberto Cutolo (Mastering). The first listenings were awesome!

20 Mag2002

Master sent to Sony DADC Partner for printing

The master CD made by Massive Arts has been sent to City Record, Sony DADC partner for CD printing. We suppose to receive the 1000 CD ordered just before the God of Metal annual event (on June, the 7th).

25 Mag2002

Alpha design of the site released

The first alpha version of the site has been released! The project was developed ad the very beginning to support all browsers at a screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels; due to the still too used resolution of 800x600 pixels, we decided to take one step back and plan a smaller design, still compatible with most of the available browsers.

26 Mag2002

Beta design becomes reality

The planned beta version, supporting 800x600 screen resolution and most of the available browser, has taken its way to reality. Now most of the "box" has been set, so it's time to work hard on contents.

14 Giu2002

Official opening of the site

With the publication of the first MP3 song called "The Chant" directly taken from the Demo CD "Endternity" (see "Discography" for further reference), this site is officially opened. Nice Surfing!

21 Giu2002

Updated MP3 songs

Updated the MP3 versions of the song "The Chant": now you'll find two versions (VBR at high quality and 96Kbit/22Khz), and a 30" sample.

25 Giu2002

Happy-ended adventure

At the end of a productive evening dedicated to the development of a new song, came the Rodolfo's tragic discover, together with the rest of the band: the door of his house was stucked, all the windows left opened, his pets inside and the storm outside (coming in...). Only the Firemen were able to allow to the whole group to get back to home. This event give to the band the oppurtunity to gift a Fireman with a copy of "Endternity".
Thank you men!

26 Giu2002

Apeiron on Vitaminic!

Vitaminic published the band technical sheet and the song "The Chant", taken from Endternity! [].

01 Lug2002

Together As One Festival

The Apeiron, visiting the Together As One Festival, received many positive comments from many people which listened Endternity; the band would like to thank all of these, and also all the bands encountered during the festival, hoping in florid future cooperations.

01 Lug2002

Incredibile Dictu!

After a lucky meet, on saturday evening Alessio got the occasion to speak with Michael Amott and Angela Gossow, and to gift them a copy of Endternity! The [Arch Enemy] were in Milan because of the concert they would had the next day as Soulfly supporters.

02 Set2002

New english section opened

As september begun, opens back with the publishing of the english section, with fully-updated contents. Furtermore, new sections are now available. In the next future will also be launched an Image Gallery, containing all the photos now visible and more…

02 Set2002

Apeiron: back to creativity!

At the end of holidays, the Apeiron came back to work on five new songs; the first of these is almost completed, and it signs the consolidation of the band's personal style.

05 Set2002

New sample: Engraved in Eternity!

The [download] section contains a new MP3 sample, 52" taken from "Engraved in Eternity", fourth track in "Endternity". One more reason to send your comments about the band music proposal to the [webmaster].

09 Ott2002

First Endternity reviews (english version not available)!

Both [TrueMetal] and [MetalManiacs] have reviewed "Endternity"! These first comment by the online press are a great first step for the band's musical growth. Moreover, [NeroOpaco] published a band's interview.

21 Ott2002

Some more reviews!

Published on the web some more "Endternity" reviews: [HM Portal] (70/100), [Heavy Metal Mania] (6,5/10) and[Rack Holy Land] (4/5).

08 Nov2002

Gig cancelled.

The concert booked for tomorrow evening in Swiss has been cancelled.

15 Nov2002

New reviews online!

New reviews added to those already published: highlights on [], [Music Boom] and [Metal Rules], the first webzine in the States to review "Endternity" (the first to concentrate also on the lyrics). Other reviews on [Silent Scream]and [Babylon Magazine].

16 Nov2002

New gigs

Apeiron schedule three new concerts to promote "Endternity": Casalbeltrame (NO), Bellinzona (Swiss) and Busto Arsizio (VA). For further info, visit the [Live] section.

20 Nov2002

New review and interview!

Online a new review of "Endternity", published by an italian webzine: [Holy Metal] (7,5/10). Moreover an Apeiron interview can be found on [Raw & Wild].

21 Nov2002

New selling points

Now you can find "Endternity" also in these italian shops: [Mariposa] in Milan and Matrix in Pavia. For further information, please visit the [shop] section.

24 Nov2002

Added a new review

A new "Endternity" review is published on the web: [Metal is the Law] is the italian webzine that has reviewed the demo CD. Moreover you can find an Apeiron page in the "Bands" section of this italian webzine.

27 Nov2002

Download section updated

The [download] section has been updated. Now the page is organized in a simple table, this will help you in selecting the song to download. A further reason to download the songs of "Endternity". Moreover there are some modifications in Federico and Filippo's sheet in the [members] section.

01 Dic2002

New reviews

Now you can find two new reviews: [Raw & Wild], italian webzine, and Grind Zone, italian magazine. More details in the [media room] section.

07 Dic2002

Concert in Bellinzona

Apeiron, coming back in Italy after their gig in Bellinzona (Swiss), thank all the public for the surprising enthusiasm shown. They hope to return soon playing in Switzerland. A special thank goes to Gian-Andrea and Patrick from Morbus Gravis for the great care in organizing the concert.

09 Dic2002

New update

A new concert has been scheduled. Apeiron will play in Sitting Bull, Certosa di Pavia, with [Decadence]; more info in the [live] section. Also updated the [shop] section: now you can find "Endternity" in Gallarate (Italy) in the Riff Raff shop.

10 Dic2002

New review!

A new good review of "Endternity"! You can find it on the pages of [Metallo Italiano] (only in italian). For a list of all the reviews you can visit the [media room] section.

16 Dic2002

Members section updated

Updated Rodolfo's sheet in [members] section.

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