New songs online and next gigs
We just uploaded in the player of [our MySpace page] 3 new songs from Among the Lost. Enjoy the listening!
Before summer holidays we will play a couple of gigs: on July, the 9th, we will play in Turin at Inferno Cafè with Manhunt, Infected and Too Late, on July the 17th we will play at a festival in Vigevano's Castle with some good local bands, more infos [here]. Wait to see you...
Band of the Week on Groovebox
Apeiron are Band of the Week on the italian webzine []!
Very soon we will include new songs on our MySpace page and more news to come...
'Among the Lost' HOT ALBUM on
'Among the Lost' is HOT ALBUM on []!
You can read the review [here]. Only in Italian, sorry! Maybe [Google Translate] can help...
'Among the Lost' on air
A quick update to inform you that this week we have been included in the playlist number 15 of [Brutalism]. You can listen to the show on the homepage of the website! See you very soon with more news...
First reviews online!
Online the first reviews for "Among the Lost"!
For now only two webzine reviewed our first LP and we are very satisfied:
[Metal Empire]
For those willing to be updated on the reviews of "Among the Lost", as usual, all the reviews can be found [here].
In the meanwhile we are still alive and active. We played the first gig promoting the album and more gigs will come.
See you soon with more updates!
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